The 2018 St. Michael Liturgical Conference was held on Monday, September 24, 2018.
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Zion is excited to welcome Dr. Naomichi Masaki as our Keynote Speaker for the 2018 St. Michael Conference. Dr. Masaki is a systematician with an outstanding knowledge of the Lutheran Confessions, and a noted Luther scholar, with a special interest in the Words of Institution and the Lord’s Supper. His Keynote paper will be titled “Luther and the Lord's Supper: The Verba Domini as the Mandating Words". His paper will set the theme for the 2018 Conference. Dr. Masaki serves as Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the STM and PhD in Theology programs for Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne.
A PDF of Dr. Masaki's presentation can be downloaded here.
Fr. Charles McClean, pastor of Our Savior Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Baltimore, Maryland, will discuss the historic rubrics attendant to the Consecration in the Divine Service.
Dr. Daniel Reuning, Kantor of Redeemer Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne, and Founder and Director of the Fort Wayne Bach Collegium, will present selected communion hymns from Te Laudamus, his upcoming hymnal supplement, and discuss their origins and theology.
The Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt, Pastor of St. Paul Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Kewanee, Illinois, and General Editor of Gottesdienst magazine, will present on the Image of God as it relates to the Incarnation of Christ and the Pastoral Office.
Fr. Eckardt's PowerPoint presentation, Ecce Homo, can be downloaded here.