St. Michael's Liturgical Conference 2011
Most Liturgical Conferences deal with the Theology of Worship. This Conference deals with the practical application of Lutheran Liturgical Theology.
The St. Michael Liturgical Conference is for pastors and laymen concerned with the Evangelical-Lutheran liturgy. It will inform them of the liturgy's rubric, rite, and ceremony so that they might make informed decisions about local customs in their parishes.
The 2011 St. Michael Liturgical Conference was held on Monday, September 26, at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Detroit.
The theme of the 2011 conference was “The Conduct of the Services Revisited”. First published in 1972, The Conduct of the Services was written by the Rev. Fr. Charles McClean. Outlining the proper rubrics, ceremony and rite, it is one of a very small number of handbooks for those who desire to rightly and reverently conduct the Lutheran Common Service, and the Divine Offices of Matins and Vespers.
The Keynote Presenter - The Reverend Father Charles McClean served as our keynote speaker. An S.T.M. student of the Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn, one-time assistant to the Rev. Dr. Norman Nagel at the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso University, and ordained Pastor in both the Lutheran and Episcopal churches for over 40 years, Fr. McClean’s keynote presentation will revisit The Conduct of the Services, placing it in its historical context. He will evaluate the rite, rubrics and ceremony in terms of Lutheran doctrine and practice, and conclude with practical observations on the Conduct of the Services. Fr. McClean’s book will be available at the conference.
Sectional presentations included –
Chanting the Gospels, Part II - The Rev.Dr. Daniel Reuning, Kantor and church musician of Redeemer Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne, and Dean of Chapel at CTS for 31 years, returns to our conference again this year to continue his sectional on how to chant the Gospel reading according to Luther’s pointing in volume 53 of Luther’s Works, the American Edition.
The Proper use of Incense – Fr. Mark Braden, Pastor of Zion Detroit, will demonstrate to participants the rubrics of the Thurifer and the Celebrant in the high Mass, and in the Divine Office. Fr. Braden will discuss various liturgical resources, and present the proper use of the Thurible, the selection of incense, and the censing of the Altar, the Book of the Gospels, and the Elements and Sacred Vessels, as well as of the various assistants in the Mass.
Q & A with Fr. McClean - Fr. David Petersen of Redeemer Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne will facilitate a Q & A period during which conference attendees will discuss Conduct of the Serviceswith Fr. McClean, receiving answers to their practical questions regarding ceremony, rite and rubrics.
Rubrics for the Laity – Mr. Allen Kerkes, Kantor and church musician of Zion Detroit, will present the proper rubrics for the laity in the Mass. At the last two conferences we have received many requests for such instruction. Mr. Kerkes will outline the reverent actions used at Zion by those attending the Mass, including entering the church, entering the pew, when to make the Sign of the Cross, kneeling, genuflecting, bowing the head, reverencing the altar, and more.