
St. Michael's Conference 2017

 The 2017 St. Michael Liturgical Conference was held Monday, September 25, 2017.

Download 2017 Conference Registration Form and Flyer

Zion is delighted to welcome the Reverend John Hill, President of the Wyoming District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as our Keynote Presenter.  President Hill will be presenting on the Invocabit sermons of Martin Luther, and the doctrine of Episcopal Visitation.  Time for questions from the conference attendees, and a speakers' roundtable, will be included in the schedule.

The Rev. Dr. Daniel Reuning, Kantor of Redeemer Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne, and Founder and Director of the Fort Wayne Bach Collegium, will be presenting a paper on the music and hymnody of Luther's Works, the American Edition, volume 53.  Dr. Reuning will explore the nuances of Luther's musical writings.

The Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt, Pastor of St. Paul Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Kewanee, Illinois, and General Editor of Gottesdienst magazine, will present on the topic of the importance of rubrics, referencing the recently released Gottesdienst video of the Divine Service at St. Paul Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hammel, Illinois.

Fr. Mark Braden, Pastor of Zion, will present a paper examining the Latin and German Masses of Martin Luther, with an eye to their liturgical nuances and rubrical references.

The Rev. Fr. David Petersen, Pastor of Redeemer Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne, will preach at the Mass.  Fr. Braden will preach at Vespers.

Use the link above to download the Conference flyer and registration form.